The download size has been revealed for Patapon Remastered. The product page on the PlayStation Store, when viewed directly from the console, shows that it will need 602.6 MB of free space on the hard drive of the PlayStation 4.
For the uninformed, Patapon Remastered is the PlayStation 4 version of the original PSP game, Patapon. The new release increases the resolution to 1080p and 4K (provided you have the PlayStation 4 Pro and compatible television set).
Paptapon is a strategy and music rhythm hybrid game where you control troops to march, attack and defend against the Zigoton enemies. The game features over 30 missions in addition to having five rhythm mini-games.
Sony Interactive Entertainment will be releasing Patapon Remastered for the PlayStation 4 as a digital download on the Playstation Store on the 1st of August in the North American region.
If you don’t have enough room on your default hard drive to download and/or install games like the aforementioned Patapon Remastered, then you might want to consider buying a compatible external hard drive. If you are interested in doing so, then you might want to take a look at Expansion 2TB Portable External Hard Drive from Seagate with this link on Amazon.