When it was announced, the Batman Arkham Knight Season Pass caused a bit of controversy, especially when you take into account the other types of exclusive and/or preorder DLC that were previously announced. So is the pass worth the price of admission (you can find its current price with this link on Amazon)? Let’s take a look at the content that have been announced so far.
About The Main Game
The main game has more than enough content even if you decided not to purchase the season pass. The development team at Rocksteady Studios already stated that Batman Arkham Knight is the biggest project they have ever worked on. Not to mention that Gotham City from the sequel is five times bigger than Arkham City from the second game.
Thus, you should be able to get a full experience in the main campaign even if you decide to skip out on the extra content provided by the season pass. With that said, the expansions do have some story missions based for other characters that you might want to check out if you want to delve deeper in the game’s story.
What’s Included in the Season Pass
The season pass for the videogame comes with all of the preorder DLC packs in addition to upcoming add-ons. You can check out each of the downloadable content below.
Harley Quinn Story Pack – This DLC, which is being offered as a preorder DLC bonus as well, will let you play as Harley Quinn as she infiltrates the Blüdhaven Police Department in order to rescue Poison Ivy. In addition to her baseball bat, you can also use her jack-in-the-box, snare trap and mayhem mode abilities to dispose of enemies.
Red Hood Story Pack – In this story pack, you will get to play as Red Hood in a campaign mission along with several challenge maps. In addition to being available via the season pass, this DLC is also part of the preorder bonus at GameStop and is expected to be sold as a standalone.Scarecrow Nightmare Pack – This particular DLC is coming out first on PlayStation 4 as it will be available in both the digital and physical versions of the game. As Batman, you will have to fight against a supersized version of Scarecrow along with his minions after the villain bombarded the streets of Gotham City with his fear toxin. This bundle also comes with the Classic TV Batmobile Skin along with the Classic TV Series and Justice League 3000 Batman Skins.
Prototype Batmobile – The Prototype Batmobile is more than just a new skin for the vehicle. The car also comes with unique handling and weapons when compared to the default one. This can only be acquired currently through a preorder of the game at Walmart in North America.
WayneTech Booster Pack – The booster pack, which is exclusive to Best Buy preorders, gives Batman several enhancements. You will be able to use explosive gel takedowns, aerial juggles and the batarang while gliding. You can also upgrade the attack power of the Batmobile.
Other Skins – The season pass should also come with several other skins, including the Gotham’s Future Skin Pack, Batman Gotham Knight Skin (currently exclusive to WBPlay members), 1st Appearance Batman Skin Pack (currently exclusive to Amazon), New 52 Skin Pack (currently exclusive to the limited edition) and Batman Flashpoint Skin (exclusive to the season pass).Other Content – Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment also has some post-launch DLC for the Batman Arkham Knight Season Pass as well. The company already confirmed the Batgirl Story Pack, which is set before the events of the main game. Fans can also to expect to see even more Batmobile skins, character skins, challenge maps, race tracks along with new villains to fight.
As you can see above, it is a pain to get all of the DLC packs without the season pass. Not to mention that, if you are planning to buy all of the downloadable content, you will most likely save cash with the pass. If you are interested, you can purchase the Batman Arkham Knight Season Pass with this page.