One of the best games that came out last generation was The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Fortunately, Nintendo is giving some new life to the game with the upcoming HD remastered release for the Nintendo Wii U. If you are planning to pick up the latest Zelda title, we also suggest checking out a few complementary products so that you will be able to optimize your enjoyment with the classic open-world action-adventure game.
For better or worse, Nintendo decided to implement Amiibo features to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. As a result, some features will be locked away unless you have the necessary figures.
Wolf Link Amiibo – The most useful figure is Wolf Link. This Amiibo will unlock the Cave of Shadows, a 40-floor dungeon where you only as Link in his wolf form. After overcoming all the enemies and obstacles, you will earn the Bottomless Wallet, which can hold up to 9,999 rupees. The Wolf Link Amiibo is included in a bundle with the videogame in North America at launch. You can purchase it with this link on Amazon.Ganondorf – Another figure that you might want to invest in is Ganondorf. When scanned into the game via the Wii U GamePad will turn the heart gauge from red to blue as Link will now take twice the amount of damage. What is especially neat about this feature is that it stacks with the new Hero Mode, which will enable the protagonist to take four times the amount of damage when compared to the normal setting.
So, if you found that the original Twilight Princess was too easy, you might want to pick up the Ganondorf Amiibo with this link if you want more of a challenge in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD.Link and Toon Link – Of course, the HD remastered version also supports the Link and Toon Link Amiibos. When used with the game, both of these figures will replenish arrows. While not the most essential feature, it is convenient if you don’t want to spend rupees on arrows and/or waste time trying to farm them. Check out the two Amiibos with the following pages: Link and Toon Link.
Zelda and Sheik – Last but not least, the Zelda and Sheik figures will restore Link’s health in the game. If you are interested, you can purchase the two Amiibos with the subsequent links: Zelda and Sheik.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD: Prima Official Game Guide
The Legend of Zelda series is known for its dungeons and puzzles with Twilight Princess offering some of the best in the series. If you are planning to finding all the treasures in the massive world, then you suggest picking up the official strategy guide.
The regular edition comes with detailed maps, free digital copy of the guide in addition to covering all the new content (such as Amiibo and Miiverse features) being added to the Wii U version. If you are interested, you can buy The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD: Prima Official Game Guide here.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD Collector’s Edition: Prima Official Game Guide
Hardcore Zelda fans might want to check out the collector’s edition of the strategy guide as well. In addition to having all of the contents from the standard edition, the more expensive version also comes with an exclusive high quality cloth map that shows off the over world in the game. Furthermore, the book comes with a gold foil stamped faux leather hardcover with glided pages as well.
You can purchase The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD Collector’s Edition: Prima Official Game Guide with this link.
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia
If you want to learn more about Twilight Princess, and how it fits into the overall timeline of the series, you might want to take a look at Hyrule Historia as well. The book features never-before-seen art work along the much sought after official chronological order of the Zelda games up until Skyward Sword. You can find The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia here.
Hyrule Warriors and Hyrule Warriors Legends
Fans craving for even more Twilight Princess should also check out Hyrule Warriors. The spin off title is a hack and slash videogame that takes place across various games from the Zelda franchise. Midna from Twilight Princess, for example, is a playable character.
So, if you haven’t done so already, you can purchase Hyrule Warriors for the Nintendo Wii U with this page. Hyrule Warriors Legends for the Nintendo 3DS, which comes with all of the DLC packs as well as additional content, can also be bought with this link.If you are planning to get The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, make sure to check out our recommended complementary products above if you want to get the most out of the remastered game.