PS4 and Xbox One versions of Resident Evil 6 released in North America

The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of Resident Evil 6 have been released in the North American region. If you are interested, you can purchase the survival horror videogame on Amazon with the following links: PS4 version and Xbox One version. For the uninformed, Resident Evil 6 will run at a native 1080p resolution … Read more

Resident Evil: The Marhawa Desire Vol. 3 gets cover, release date and more info

Thanks to Amazon, new details are now available for the Resident Evil: The Marhawa Desire Vol. 3. The localized version of the latest volume from the manga has an ISBN-10 of 1421573741 and ISBN-13 of 978-1421573748. You can preorder the third volume from the retailer with this page. Check out the cover below this paragraph. … Read more