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Check out the cover of The Art of Dragon Age: Inquisition

The cover for The Art of Dragon Age: Inquisition is now available thanks to Amazon. The art has the male human inquisitor holding a big sword on his right hand and using magic with his left on a snowy field. In the background, you can see a dragon about to spit out some fire. The art book is available in both hardcover and digitally through Kindle. Preorder it now on Amazon with this link. Its cover is located below this paragraph.

The Art of Dragon Age: Inquisition comes with hundreds of artworks and captions that have not been seen anywhere else. Among the areas being covered include characters, enemies, environments and weapons.

The art book is hitting store shelves on the 18th of November, the same day as the release of the Dragon Age: Inquisition videogame. To carry over the previous saves from Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II, fans have to make use of the Dragon Keep app. Preorder the game on Amazon, if you haven’t done so already, right now on Amazon.

Bioware is not just working on Dragon Age. The company is also allocating resources toward a new Mass Effect videogame in addition to a new I.P.